DIAMANTE Enhancing diabetes and depression self­-management via adaptive mobile messaging

The main aim of “Diabetes and Mental Health Adaptive Notification Tracking and Evaluation” (DIAMANTE) was to test a smartphone intervention that generates adaptive messaging, learning from daily patient data to personalize the timing and type of text-messages. We compared the adaptive content to 1. a uniform random messaging intervention, in which the messaging content and timing will be delivered with equal probabilities (i.e. not adapted by a learning...

Effectiveness of a Digital Health Intervention Leveraging Reinforcement Learning: Results From the Diabetes and Mental Health Adaptive Notification Tracking and Evaluation (DIAMANTE) Randomized Clinical Trial

Adrian Aguilera
Marvyn R. Arévalo Avalos
Jing Xu
Bibhas Chakraborty
Caroline A. Figueroa
Faviola Garcia
Karina Rosales
Rosa Hernandez-Ramos
Chris Karr
Joseph Jay Williams
Lisa Ochoa-Frongia
Urmimala Sarkar
Elad Yom-Tov
Courtney R. Lyles

https://www.jmir.org/2024/1/e60834(link is external)


Digital and mobile health interventions using personalization via reinforcement learning algorithms have the potential to reach large number of people to support physical activity and help manage diabetes and depression in daily life.


The Diabetes and Mental Health Adaptive Notification and Tracking Evaluation (DIAMANTE) study tested whether a digital physical activity intervention using personalized text messaging...

Daily Motivational Text Messages to Promote Physical Activity in University Students: Results From a Microrandomized Trial

Caroline A. Figueroa
Nina Deliu
Bibhas Chakraborty
Arghavan Modiri
Jing Xu
Jai Aggarwal
Joseph Jay Williams
Courtney R. Lyles
Adrian Aguilera

https://academic.oup.com/abm/article-abstract/56/2/212/6237428(link is external)


Low physical activity is an important risk factor for common physical and mental disorders. Physical activity interventions delivered via smartphones can help users maintain and increase physical activity, but outcomes have been mixed.


Here we assessed the effects of sending daily motivational and feedback text messages in a microrandomized clinical trial on changes in physical activity from one day to...

mHealth app using machine learning to increase physical activity in diabetes and depression: clinical trial protocol for the DIAMANTE Study

Adrian Aguilera
Caroline A. Figueroa
Rosa Hernandez-Ramos
Urmimala Sarkar
Anupama Cemballi
Laura Gomez-Pathak
Jose Miramontes
Elad Yom-Tov
Bibhas Chakraborty
Xiaoxi Yan
Jing Xu
Arghavan Modiri
Jai Aggarwal
Joseph Jay Williams
Courtney R. Lyles

https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/10/8/e034723.abstract(link is external)


Depression and diabetes are highly disabling diseases with a high prevalence and high rate of comorbidity, particularly in low-income ethnic minority patients. Though comorbidity increases the risk of adverse outcomes and mortality, most clinical interventions target these diseases separately. Increasing physical activity might be effective to simultaneously lower depressive symptoms and improve...